Connect and Re-balance with Luna Yoga
Our classes use a unique combination of Yoga for Women, Inspiring Music and Delicious Aromatherapy blends. Each Belles style is focused on the specific physical, emotional, hormonal and spiritual needs of women. These are not ‘drop in’ gym yoga classes and the focus is not soley physical. You commit to your chosen path and embark on your own personal yoga journey.
Luna by YogaBellies is a unique, flowing style of yoga in tune with the Yin, Lunar and feminine elements. The focus of our Luna classes, is honouring ourselves, being kind, and taking time to relax and release. This practice offers calming, slower-paced, ‘internal’ poses that are appropriate for women throughout the month. This graceful, flowing practice is gentle but deep like water.
In this class, the focus is not on perfecting yogic postures but on experiencing energy “flow”. LunaFlow allows you to bring harmony and balance into every part your life. Every session has a different focus and the asanas chosen are perfect for regulating hormones and providing relief from PMS and Menopausal symptoms.
Why is YogaBellies Luna different?
YogaBellies Luna has evolved over the past decade, around the natural yoga practices of women. This class was created for all women, working around the key life stages, our hormonal and emotional variations and natural flexibility. YogaBellies uses a unique combination of Incredible Music, Inspirational Yoga and Aromatherapy, to soothe the soul and strengthen body and mind.
When you join our sessions, you will be invited a class with gorgeous, shiny and clean, custom designed YogaBellies yoga mat and any props you need to use in class (only on loan we need these back at the end.) You will also be given a bespoke pack to accompany your journey which you can take home, comprising of your YogaBellies tote bag and exclusive JustBe artisan aromatherapy oils to enhance your YogaBellies practice. You will also receive YogaBellies routines downloads and our exclusive, CorePlay or Luna soundtrack to help you keep up your practice at home.
What are the benefits of a YogaBellies Luna practice?
*A firm but gentle yoga practice for all levels, sizes and age of yoga practitioner;
*Our unique blend of aromatherapy and soothing yoga flow, makes YogaBellies Luna feel like a trip to the Spa 🙂
*A style of yoga created just for women, focusing on hormonal and spiritual balance;
*These sessions can be particularly beneficial for those looking to regulate the menstrual cycle, enhance fertility and correct hormonal imbalances or fluctuations.
*A perfect class for those suffering from pre menstrual syndrome or menopausal symptoms.
*Embrace the feminine, yin aspects of your yoga practice and your life.
Find your local class here www.yogabellies.co.uk/findaclass
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