1. Get into the mindset of cleansing and supporting your body to detox in a natural way. If possible, scale back your obligations for the duration of the cleanse, so that you can focus on you. Take this time to set your health goals, both emotionally and physically.
2. Get the support you need to stay committed to your juice cleanse – get on the YogaBellies Challenge Facebook page! Reach out to friends and family and tell them you are embarking on this beautiful journey.
3. Clean off the kitchen countertop, and prepare your kitchen to be a playground for your juicing experience.
4. I suggest cleaning out the junk by ridding your cabinets of foods that might tempt you (bye bye chocolate cookies!) If your feeling really inspired then you can continue to clear the clutter from rest of your home to create space for newness in your life.
5. Before you embark on the juice cleanse, begin to reduce processed foods, caffeine, sugary foods, and breads loaded with yeast. This will reduce withdrawal symptoms.
6. Begin to add at least one juice per day. Start with a simple juice recipe to get used to the taste of juicing, such as celery, cucumber, lettuce, apple and lemon. 7. Journal your experience, noting daily how you feel emotionally and physically plus any changes you see in your body. You really will notice a difference very quickly so it’s great to look back on this.8. Make sure you buy a BPA-free container for your juice, or use glass Mason jars (plastic contains toxins we do not want our body to absorb).9. Schedule time in your day for juicing, and make enough juices for the day so you do not have to stress about juicing. (I suggest making your morning juice the night before to make your life easy – especially if you’re chasing kids around in the morning.)10. Practice yoga or relaxation, and enjoy letting go. Give yourself space to be quiet, take a relaxing bath, or give yourself a massage. Schedule yourself time for the next three days. Be selfish. I am giving you the OK to do this for YOU.
You can sign up absolutely FREE for the YogaBellies 3 Day Juice Cleanse starting tomorrow, Monday the 19th October 2015 by clicking here.
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