
Recruitment Portal

YogaBellies Recruitment Portal

The 5 Stage YogaBellies Franchisee Recruitment Process

STAGE 1: Application Form and Deposit Agreement Submitted 20%
STAGE 2: Deposit Paid 40%
STAGE 3: Franchise Agreement Signed and received 60%
STAGE 4: Initial Franchise Fee paid 80%
STAGE 5: Monthly Management Fees DD Set Up 100%

How to Complete Your Franchise Application

Complete the YogaBellies Franchise Application form and upload your signed deposit agreement here to complete stage 1 of the recruitment process.

1. Complete all of the required fields of the application form and any others you feel relevant.

2. Please note that you should not complete the application until you have agreed your package and territory and training availability with YBHQ. You must indicate in the application form, which of the payment options you have chosen.

YogaBellies currently offer three payment options:

-£500 plus VAT deposit paid and complete balance due within 30 days of signing franchise agreement (a maximum 60 days from paying deposit) or before beginning live training (whichever is sooner.)
-£1000 plus VAT deposit paid and complete balance due 30 days before starting live training. This option needs to sign guarantor agreement.
-£3000 plus VAT as a deposit and remainder paid within 6 months of sign up. A guarantor agreement must be signed to this effect. A 5% admin fee will be charged for this option. This option needs to sign guarantor agreement.


Please ensure that you have uploaded the first and last signed pages of your deposit agreement at the appropriate area in the application form.


At this point you may be asked to sign a guarantor agreement to ensure any payment terms are met. If this is the case, please upload this in the appropriate section in the application form.

The second stage of our recruitment process, is to secure your territory and place on training, by paying your deposit online.

At this point you must choose one of the following payment plans as agreed with YogaBellies HQ and complete the payment of your deposit.

YogaBellies currently offer three franchise payment options:

1. £500 plus VAT deposit paid and complete balance due within 30 days of signing franchise agreement (a maximum 60 days from paying deposit) or before beginning live training (whichever is sooner.)

2. £1000 plus VAT deposit paid and complete balance due 30 days before starting live training. This option needs to sign guarantor agreement.

2. £3000 plus VAT of the final balance is paid as a deposit and remainder paid within 6 months of sign up. A guarantor agreement must be signed to this effect. A 5% admin fee will be charged for this option. This option needs to sign guarantor agreement.

*Please note that for options 1 and 2, you will only receive your welcome pack and access to systems and business planning support on receipt of your balance. Option 3 will receive their welcome pack on receipt of their 50% deposit and guarantor agreement. If you wish to discuss these options further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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How to Submit Your Franchise Agreement

1. Please note that you should print and sign 2 copies of your franchise agreement. Please send one signed copy back to YogaBellies Ltd.

2. Click here to upload the first and signed pages of your franchise agreement.

3. Your franchise will not be activated until the paper copy of your franchise agreement is received by HQ.

4. This is a legally binding contract and we recommend that you have a franchise lawyer (or BFA approved) lawyer look at this for you. We will provide a list of BFA lawyers with your contract. We ask that this is signed within 30 days of receipt or before training, whichever is sooner. Once this has been signed, the business is now legally yours.

How to pay the balance of your initial franchise fee

Please select the balance of your account below and make payment.

How to set up the standing order for your monthly management fees

The final stage of your Franchise purchase and registration is to set up your monthly management fees standing order.

You can do this quickly and securely using GoCardless here by following this link.

Once this has been activated, you will receive access to the YogaBellies website and systems and your welcome package will be sent out.
